UMD CITS Faculty Liaison Responsibilities

Oversee UMD CITS course sections in their department offered in the high schools:

  • Work with the UMD department chair, faculty, and CITS staff to ensure CITS program quality and compliance with UMD standards
  • Keep UMD departments informed of CITS activities and developments
  • Approve CITS textbook(s) and syllabi used in the high schools in collaboration with UMD department chair
  • Oversee the implementation of of the approved UMD grading rubric and assessment
  • Distribute UMD midterms and final examinations to CITS teachers, as needed
  • Present to CITS classes upon request on special topics;
  • Meet with CITS classes at UMD during Campus Visits, as requested
  • Update the CITS teachers on departmental policy changes

Evaluate and mentor CITS teachers:

  • Conduct site visits annually or on an “as needed” basis to observe the CITS teachers in the classroom, review graded student work, and review final grades;
  • Communicate regularly and respond to email, voice-mail, and questions posed by CITS teachers
  • Provide one-on-one consultation with teachers as needed
  • Review end of term SRT evaluation reports
  • With the assistance of the CITS coordinator, review and approve/deny the applications of prospective CITS teachers, write official letters of recommendation, and assist in the orientation of new CITS teachers

Collaborate with the CITS coordinator to:

  • Present or facilitate an annual, one- to two-day professional development workshop for CITS teachers
  • Briefly welcome/orientate each class during their UMD campus visit
  • Oversee or participate in the training of students to use essential UMD resources
  • Communicate, as needed, with the high school principal or administrator
  • Help coordinate the UMD CITS Campus Visits by identifying UMD faculty who would be willing to allow CITS students to “visit” their classroom
  • Provide documentation to secure or maintain accreditation of the UMD CITS program by the NACEP organization and other agencies involved in overseeing concurrent enrollment programs
  • Help identify UMD courses that “fit” the UMD CITS philosophy and need as expressed by high school administrators
  • Write statements of equivalency, confirming how we guarantee the CITS and on campus section are the same in rigor, objectives, and assessments